14 Baby Boy Congratulations Messages for the Perfect Gift Card

14 Baby Boy Congratulations Messages for the Perfect Gift Card

The arrival of a new baby is always a joyful moment for both family and friends. Gift cards have traditionally been used as a perfect way to express love and happiness for the blessed couples. While finding the right gift may be the easiest part, it may not be so easy to come up with a message to put on the card.

Are you trying to find the best message for your gift card to new parents? If yes, here are 15 perfect ways to say it’s a boy with a cute quote and congratulate the new mom and dad:

1. Here is my welcome for your son. Dad now has another man in the house while mommy has a new helper. May you have a very happy future with his arrival.

2. Your boy’s arrival is the perfect gift for your love for it will grow stronger. You now have a reason to be home earlier and every minute is worth living for as your boy grows in fine young man. Congratulations.

3. It’s a boy! My warmest regards for his arrival. May he make your life happy and bring in a new beginning for your love.

4. There is nothing as joyful as having a new born baby. He will give your life a new meaning and everything you do will be with more zeal to make him a great future.

5. You are now 50 percent mom and 50 percent dad and 100 percent baby. Congratulations for giving him a chance to be in the world.

6. You are never complete as parents without a baby. Now your baby boy’s arrival will be something to treasure. You will kiss, hug, learn, and above all be happy couples. For your baby, congratulations are in order.

7. I join you in welcoming this little angel. None of your days will be ordinary anymore. You will be happy as you tread on the path of adventure as you see him grow from a toddler to a young man.

Congrautlations for having a baby boy message with clothesline, blue clothes and a teddy bear

8. A new baby boy! Prepare yourself for endless giggles and tickles. There is lots of smiling days ahead of you.

9. Congratulations for receiving your bundle of blessings from above. He will bring so much love and happiness to your home. May you enjoy every moment of his presence.

10. May your small angel be the beat to your heart, sun to your shine, sweetness to your heart; and may everything that you ever imagined come true.

11. Congratulations for the arrival of your newest football fan. Our wish is to see him happy and grow to prove your dreams. Your days will be brighter and interesting as you will have a new sports fan expressing his opinion.

12. Nothing is merrier than the arrival of a new son. He will grow into the finest young man and be a constant reminder of your love for each other.

13. He would not be born at a better time than now. Your son is a new package of love and a bond for the family. Congratulations for his birth.

14. For your new boy, we wish you all the happiness you could ever dream of. He is handsome and will be the perfect addition to your marriage.

Discover more cute & funny quotes for announcing a new baby that will make the whole family smile.

It's a boy pregnancy announcement quote in red and orange letters

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