Adorable Must-Read Baby Feet Quotes

Adorable Must-Read Baby Feet Quotes

It’s a fact of life: our children grow up. We know it will happen and we love seeing them grow up, but part of us wishes that there was some way we could freeze time so they’d stay small forever.

And who doesn’t love those itty-bitty baby feet? Well, we’ve written up a list of adorable must-read baby feet quotes to read or use in your scrapbooks — some are our own, some we scoured the web for — but all are adorable.

Bookmark these so you can go back to them on your worst mommy days — when you need a pick-me-up.

  1. “Sometimes I wonder where my baby’s itsy bitsy feet will go in their lifetime. Wherever they go, I can only hope that they never forget their way back home.”
  2. “There’s nothing as sweet as tiny baby feet.”
  3. “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.”
  4. “I love you from the bottom of my heart to the tips of my toes.”
  5. “There is no sound quite so sweet as the pitter-patter of little baby feet.”
  6. “Her tiny hands took my heart and then her tiny feet skittered away with it.”
  7. “It’s a wonder how such a tiny little thing as a baby’s foot can make such a big impact on our hearts.”
  8. “There is no foot too small to leave an imprint on the world.”
  9. “A baby makes footprints in our heart that never dim or fade.”
  10. “There is nothing quite as sweet as wrinkled little baby feet.”
  11. “I don’t know where my baby’s feet will go, but I hope they will remember me along the way.”
  12. “The first steps your baby takes are into your heart.”
  13. “How silently you walked into my world — so silently — and you stayed only a moment’s time. But what an print and an impact your little footprint has left upon my heart.”
  14. “Love your body the way your mother loved your baby feet.”
  15. “The butterflies he used to give me turned into tiny little feet.”
  16. “The pitter patter of little feet
    Leave behind something dear and sweet
    A precious treasure for me to keep
    The memories of your little feet.”
  17. (For expecting mothers) “Can’t wait to meet those tiny little feet!”
  18. “Their tiny feet go before us to show us the way back home again.”
  19. “When I look at your tiny little feet, my life makes sense again.”

And finally, here’s a quote you can read to your little one:

“You have have brains in your head,

You have feet in your shoes,

You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss


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